We did it! Season 4 is complete. But what did we accomplish?
We started Conscious Impact in 2015, and now, more than 4 years later, we are as passionate, committed and united as ever before. With time also comes experience, and our work in Season 4 was more balanced, effective and sustainable than ever.
The Dahal Family in Bimire stands in front of their nearly completed 4-bedroom home. Photo by Jonathan H. Lee
Families moved into their new CSEB Homes in Season 4 after three years without permanent shelter. Conscious Impact was there to support.
Nepali families continue to build and our team provided more than 50,000 environmentally sustainable and locally produced CSEBs!
Our Nepali team has now produced more than 200,000 CSEBs in 4 years! Photo by Jonathan H. Lee
Our Youth Empowerment Program is stronger than ever. We reach more than 30 young women every week to discuss sexual health, body awareness, self confidence and visions of the future. Plus, we include the boys on occasional days for valuable (and fun!) open discussions.
Additionally, we have begun After School Homework sessions at our camp, led by Conscious Impact volunteers. We practice English, other academic subjects, and mostly offer a free play space with
dozens of young Nepali students.
Girls Empowerment class in Nawlpur, Nepal. Photo by Jonathan H. Lee
Our Agriculture and Reforestation Program has now planted more than 20,000 trees in collaboration with local farmers, and this year these trees will produce their first fruits!
Amar and Sanu Kanchi Ranamagar stand proudly with one of their many coffee trees. Amar serves on the Takure Basic Organic Coffee Cooperative board and enthusiastically supports all of our agriculture initiatives in the area.
Photo by Jonathan H. Lee
The new water tank is complete, providing more than 40,000 liters of water per day to more than 80 families in the community of Takure. Read more here.
Community members and volunteers stand proudly on the new 40,000 liter water tank. Photo by Ankit Tanu
The Orphanage Project, completed with our bricks in 2017, now houses more than 25 young children, and we visit each week with volunteers.
Spending time at the Mother Sister Nepal orphanage. Photo by Jonathan H. Lee
And last, but not least, the new Takure Coffee Cooperative Center!
Built with earthbags, this office and storage facility will support local farmers to process their first coffee harvests in December 2019. We look forward to finally getting some of the fruits of these labors :)
Plastering the Coffee Cooperative’s outside walls in February. The project is now complete!
But the work is not done…
Our support of local youth, especially young women, is just beginning. We have planted over 20,000 trees, but we plan to plant more than 100,000 more in the next 10 years. We completed the new water tank and will continue to support communities with access to water management. And of course, families will continue to build around the region, and we want to be there with environmentally sustainable and locally produced building materials. Read more here to see what Season 5 has to bring.
We need volunteers now more than ever to sustain our support of the families in Takure…
Sign up now to volunteer for Season 5, starting October 1st 2019.
See you in Nepal!
Our home in the Himalayas. Photo by Jonathan H. Lee