This year has challenged each of us deeply, and changed the world forever. We have each been pushed to adjust our lives, our work and our futures, and to fight for the health, safety and wellness of ourselves and our families and communities. Whether we are working from home, studying online, or serving every day as essential workers, we each face great uncertainty as the world around us changes.
Our small team of Nepali staff and volunteers continue our work, even through the global pandemic. We need new volunteers to help, but with international travel restrictions, we will have to wait until 2021. Photo by Jonathan H. Lee
Here in Nepal, COVID-19 has transformed the country. For more than 6 months, businesses, transportation services and educational facilities have remained restricted or entirely closed. The economy is suffering deeply, and much of society has come to a halt. Most notably, the international airport in Kathmandu has been closed to international visitors since March, and will likely remain closed until the end of 2020. This means that sadly, Conscious Impact will be required to postpone all volunteer programming until 2021.
Our team in Takure would absolutely LOVE to receive volunteers again as soon as possible, as we have plenty of work to get done. Even during COVID-19, we continue to plant trees, support local farmers, provide alternative educational environments to students and mobilize community-driven infrastructural development projects. The extra hands, minds and hearts of international volunteers would provide much needed inspiration, energy and support. We want you to come now, but we will have to patiently wait until 2021. :)
You can learn more, and sign up today for 2021 volunteer programs at
Our agriculture team with a local family after planting trees together this summer. Photo by Ankit Tanu
In the meantime, one of our greatest challenges is financial. Our goal since the beginning has been to support Takure for generations to come, and we are more committed to this than ever before. Without the income of volunteers, however, we are even more dependent on our international supporters and monthly donors to get us through this time. We know this is a challenging time for many, but if you or your community are able to support our work, it would make a huge difference. We are still actively fundraising to help plant coffee trees at We are also seeking additional supporters to become monthly donors. Even $10/month makes a difference, and $150/month allows us to keep a staff member at work. Thank you SO much for your support!
New baby coffee trees beginning to sprout from seed in our nursery. Our hope is to again distribute thousands of trees to farmers around the region in 2021. Come help us please! :) Photo by Ankit Tanu
We have faced challenges in our work in Nepal before, and each time we have stood strong and shown our commitment to continuing to serve Takure and the families of this region. We also know that our world has faced difficult times before, each of us have, and we are confident that we will all come out of 2020 stronger and more resilient than ever before, even if it feels hard. We hope that you and your family and friends are staying healthy and safe during everything. If you need anything, even just someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to us and write at And please come see us in Nepal in 2021. We will be here. :)
WIth love and deep gratitude,
The CI Nepal Team
Our Conscious Impact Nepal team on a day hike nearby Takure. Without volunteers coming this fall, they will continue their work in agriculture, sustainable construction and youth empowerment while they patiently await your return to Takure! Photo by Ankit Tanu