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In Solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter


In Solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter

For the past two weeks, since the murder of George Floyd, our team has watched as millions of you have taken to the streets in protest of the rampant police brutality inflicted upon Black Americans. We are so grateful that while we are across the world, our extended network of friends and supporters have put their passion, strength, and lives into standing up for justice. We stand in solidarity with Black communities, as well as all communities of color and queer/trans identities fighting against police brutality, today and every day.

Illustration from Damianimated

Illustration from Damianimated

As we reflect on what we can do to help from the other side of the globe, we are reminded of what we have learned over the years here in Nepal about how to stand in solidarity with vulnerable populations working for social change. Below are a few key steps:

(NOTE: This list is far from complete, and if you are looking for more developed resources on allying, there are many. Here are two good examples: and

1. Acknowledge Your Biases, Judgements and Privileges, and Work to Dismantle Them – We each carry our own perspectives and beliefs, built over generations of cultural, economic and social influences. It is good to “drop our judgements” and open our minds about what is “right” and “wrong” when working with people of different cultures and backgrounds, but it is even better to face the deep judgements and biases that we do carry and to be honest with ourselves about these biases. Then, we can truly begin to dismantle our “isms”, starting with racism.

2. Listen and Learn – To stand in solidarity with others requires listening deeply to their concerns, their needs, their inspirations and their visions for the future. From listening, we can begin to learn and understand, and from understanding we can support. These are some of the powerful and inspiring Black American voices we are listening to right now (just a few of MANY, and if you know more, feel free to share):

Layla Saad:

Rachel Cargle:

Rachel Ricketts:

Ijeoma Oluo:

Ibram X. Kendi:

And here are some organizations leading the way in education and action (again, just a few of MANY, and feel free to share others that you know):

Black Lives Matter :
NAACP Legal Defense Fund:
Black Visions:
Anti Police-Terror Project:
Campaign Zero:
Color of Change:
Critical Resistance :

Photo from SF Chronicle

Photo from SF Chronicle

3. Act Consciously – As many have expressed during these past weeks, solidarity requires direct action. This does not mean everyone must march and protest, as we all have our different abilities and contributions. It does mean, however, that love, support and compassion must be met with conscious action. Here are some of the actions we have been taking this week:

Petitions to Sign:

Justice for George Floyd:

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery:

Justice for Breonna Taylor:


Defund the Police:

Hands Up Act petition to make it illegal for police to shoot unarmed citizens:

Phone Numbers and Email Templates to Call for Change:

Defund the Police:

Contact your local and state representatives about passing the End Qualified Immunity Act:

Places to Donate:

National Bail Out for Black Mamas and caregivers:

George Floyd Memorial Fund:

Black Lives Matter:

And lastly, a few other comprehensive resources with info on political action items and places to donate:

BLM Resource Directory:
Anit-Racism Packet by Jasmine Mitchell (Instagram: @smooth_jas):
75 Things You Can Do For Racial Justice: 

Thank you for standing for what you believe in, for working for a just, fair and safe future for all people, and for continuing to fight for positive social change across this planet. We love you, we support you, we stand with you. 

#BlackLivesMatter #BeTheChange

Photo by The San Jose Mercury News

Photo by The San Jose Mercury News
